Friday, August 22, 2008

Gross! ! !

I was surfing the youtube one day, procrastinating on my project as usual, when I stumbled upon one of Steven Lim's (the eye-brow trimmer, idol wannabe, XX's "hotdate" in hell) many videos.
Let me divulge the fact that he is THE most effective vomit inducer of all time!
For one, his face I already SIBEI buay ta han. But plus the puke that was coming out of his mouth and his totally-dunnoe-his-shit body language = TOXIC.
You know, I met this worm a couple of years back when he was already half infamous for his bloody gross attention seeking videos. I was waiting for someone at paragon when he suddenly came up to me and said (in the exact words), "Excuse me, can I trim your eyebrows? I am the famous star from the so and so idol in channel U".
Obviously alarmed at the prospect of having a (burly and unkept) man touch my eyebrows (in public no less), I shook my head and backed off. Yet, he actually thought that I missed out on the "famous" part and repeated it to me again, only louder. I shook my head politely and gave him a prim smile as I declined. To my disbelief, he sighed in my face (and I was bloody unlucky enough to be inhaling at that exact moment. FYI, ya, his breath stank.) and frowned as he shook his head and mumbled something under his breath.
Geez, this man is truly a low class nut case.
My advice to you if u see this man: RUN AWAY in the opposite direction

Friday, August 15, 2008

Prison Break

After watching a couple of seasons at one go, I've come to a conclusion:
There's no such thing as an evil person.
But there are weak and cowardly ones.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The problems with whiners, is that they tend to compare the living standards of the industrious with their own which obviously results in some discrepancy. However, they failed to compare the amt of hard work the industrious put into achieving this standard.
It can be illustrated by a simplified math equation:
Hard Work x EQ x Luck = Success.
Figure out which part is missing in your own equation, work on it and quit whining.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Super Pissed!

More often than not, it doesn't pay to be nice.
Sometimes I do suppose, that these people defecate their brain matter and what's left in their head is the smelly stuff.
So YEAH, you and your damm ideas STINK!

Monday, August 04, 2008


Just now, I went to youtube and saw a couple of videos that made me REALLY mad. I've this thing. I get very irritated when people criticise the Singapore government for absolutely no rhyme nor reason. My questions to these people are: "Can you do a better job?. Are you even capable to take over the reins of Singapore? Yeah? Right now?" Singapore is increasingly filled with people of greater knowledge and various expertise and Singapore citizens are not as docile as one may imagine. In fact, a better way to describe us is as a generation of spoilt, educated children who know what they want. And providing what we want to us, is not such an easy job. I mean, let's be fair. Haven't most of us been overseas? Can't you just compare for yourself?

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Help? Anyone?

Sometimes, you just have the feeling of being stranded in the middle of chaos.
Too many distractions.
Too many choices.
Too much static.
Too much nonsense.
No clue.
No guidance.
No direction.
No sensory mufflers.
I feel like I'm walking in circles at the same spot.
Can someone kindly point me the way out please?