Friday, December 14, 2007


Control. It's sin put into a word. How many people are controlling you today? Don't really need to think about your family 'cos their control, you fought against your whole life. So, it's no point to do that again today. Instead, open your mind and then, look around you. Have you ever been brainwashed? Never? You sure? What's your favourite drink, is it healthy for you? Food? Have you ever considered critically thinking about whether what others have been telling you is true? Ever smoked? Taken drugs, drank alcohol, went to a gym, bought ludicrously expensive brands? Why did you do it? Does it improve you? Your life or those around you? Don't tell me. I guess you do it because you like it, don't you? Hmmm, but why? Why would you like something like that? How did you LEARN to like it?

It's sick. The big players, they've always been controlling us and we've never really questioned their control. I wanna stop being a DUMB ASS PAWN