Thursday, March 20, 2008

Nothing much

Haven't been blogging much, apparently. I didn't know people actually read my random ramblings. Oh well, gotta watch my mouth then. Haha, not that I've done anything wrong.
Btw, have you guys watched the movie, The long road home, if I'm not mistaken. If you haven't, you should! You could, on the tube. It's really really ... erm... sad. In a completely beautiful way. The story is about this young village girl, all of 18 years, falling in love with a young teacher (also barely outta his teens, about 20) that came from the city to teach in the village schoolhouse. The rest is for me to know and you to find out. It's narrated by their son when the old school teacher passes away after being caught in a snowstorm whilst going out collecting donations to build a new and better school for the village.

Oh, the crying is so raw man...Makes you really appreciate your spouse, partner or lover, whatever you fancy calling the owner of your heart. But honestly, you should also catch it cos Zhang Ziyi is both sweet and ridiculously cute in her depiction of a village girl.

The need to be loved seems also to be a strong motivational force. It makes us weak and strong at the same time and is extremely confusing don't you think? Love is a mad mad by-product of evolution. Does us equal good as bad. *shrugs*


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